Hey there! It’s been a minute since our last edition of Wempower Magazine back in November 2020. Can you believe it’s been almost four years already? Time flies when you’re hustling! Behind the scenes, we’ve been on a whirlwind journey—delivering talks, hosting workshops, organizing networking events, launching a podcast and YouTube channel, snagging an award or two, pumping out articles, and connecting with inspiring women from all corners of the globe.

But you know what? We’re not done yet. Not even close. In fact, we’re gearing up for a comeback, and this time, we’re coming back stronger and more determined than ever. Our mission? To bring you even more incredible and inspiring stories of everyday women who are out there making a real difference in the world. Get ready, because we’re just getting started!

Why the comeback, you ask? Because there’s a dire need for a positive, empowering narrative centred around women.

Because the brilliant young journalists I have the privilege to work with are itching to share their perspectives, spark conversations, shed light on causes close to their hearts, and connect with countless like-minded women worldwide who are tirelessly fighting against gender inequality, all while demanding to be heard.

This first issue marks the beginning of an exciting journey for us, and we couldn’t be prouder to unveil our revamped magazine.

So buckle up, because we’re about to embark on a journey filled with incredible stories, inspiring women, and meaningful connections. Let’s do this!

Ilaria & the Wempower Team